Papaya Enzymes for Treating Acid Reflux

 1. In today’s culture we often eat a lot fast foods, ready meals and meats. The problem with this is that there often aren’t any natural enzymes in these foods.

2. Enzymes which are found mostly in plant based foods, help the digestion process of the body, by breaking down food whilst it is in your stomach.

3. A lack of enzymes in the body, makes it more difficult for the stomach, therefore the stomach produces extra acid to try and break down the food.

4. This extra acid often causes reflux otherwise known as gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD), which can cause sore throats and a lump like feeling in the throat which can cause discomfort

5. Papaya fruit and leaves contain rich sources of these natural enzymes which the body needs. These enzymes include papain, chymopapain, glycylendopeptidase and caricain.

6. Each of these is extremely beneficial for digestion and breaking down foods, particularly proteins which come from eating a lot of meat.

7. You can eat papaya fruit regularly, or better still you can purchase digestive enzymes which contain papaya fruit powder. These often come in capsule or tablet form and should be eaten with every meal.

8. It takes 2-4 weeks to fully re-stabilize the body and then acid reflux will be a thing of the past.

9. I recommend purchasing tablets which contain betaine hydrochloride (HCL) and pepsin for a stronger effect.

10. I hope this information helps you to live a happier, healthier life.


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