Wonderful Health Benefits of Pandan Leaves

The health benefits and uses of Pandan Leaves also known as Screwpine, Rampe or Ketaki

1. Pandan leaves are often used in cooking in south Asia and Southeast Asia, and are also used as a natural medicine to treat some illnesses.

2. The leaves contains tannins, glycosides and alkaloids which can be used to treat fevers, ear infections, headaches, arthritis and hiccups.

3. You can also make a natural toothpaste by chopping the leaves very small and chewing them. The oxidisation process will help to promote strong and healthy gums.

4. Pandan leaves have also been used as an antiseptic on open wounds, as they help to kill any bacteria present and prevent infection.

5. If you suffer with headaches, you can drink pandan leaf extract to relieve the pain, due to its
anti-inflammatory properties.

6. This also works as a gentle laxative which will relieve constipation. This is gentle and can be given to children.

7. In order to make pandan leaf extract, you may simply get a handful of leaves, wash them thoroughly in cold water. Then slice the leaves thinly with a sharp blade and blend to release the juices. These juices can then be extracted using a cheesecloth or sieve and stored in an airtight container ready for drinking, or adding to delicious foods or deserts.

8. Pandan has a nutty flavour and is therefore excellent to add to deserts such as cakes.

9. If you wish to grow pandan leaves, be sure to keep them in a sunny area with around 5 hours of
sunlight per day. Pandan needs a warm climate to survive, as frost and extreme cold will kill the plant.

10. Skin conditions can also be treated with these leaves such as tinea versicolor. This is a fungus which discolours the skin. Drinking the extracted juice from the leaves will treat this.


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