13 Health Benefits of Tulsi Leaves (Holy Basil)

Used for over 5000 years, tulsi is one of the natural wonders of the world. Today we explore the health benefits and uses of this wonderful herb.

1. Tulsi is a herb which was originally found in India and has been used for over 5000 years. It is used as an alternative medicine in some cultures and In Hinduism tulsi is classed as a sacred plant.

2. The leaves of this plant have a variety of different health benefits due to their ability to ward off some of the most deadly infections from bacteria and viruses.

3. They are used to treat conditions such as sore throats, colds, coughs, headaches, bronchitis, earache and flu.

4. Tulsi leaves can also be made into a paste and applied to the skin to treat skin disorders such as acne, pimples, rashes, insect bites and ringworms.

5. It is used in beauty products to regulate skin tone, hide scar tissue and tightening large pores on the face for a better appearance.

6. They can also be eaten, or made into a tea by adding boiling water. This helps to boost the immune system of the body and treat conditions such as dengue fever, tuberculosis, malaria, swine flu and hepatitis.

7. It also helps to keep the heart healthy by reducing the harmful effects of free radicals in the blood stream and increasing circulation.

8. It is extremely helpful in lowering blood sugar levels for those who have diabetes.

9. Those suffering with asthma may also find this herb to be useful. You may simply drink Tulsi tea on a regular basis to see noticeable results.

10. Tulsi has a peppery taste and is therefore used in cooking delicious soups and stir-frys.

11. If rubbed onto the skin, it works as a mosquito repellent, and can help treat snake and scorpion

12. The leaves have anti-inflammatory and anti-oxidant properties, which helps the body to deal with stress and muscle tension.

13. Tusli leaves can be mashed into a paste and used to as a natural toothpaste. This will destroy bacteria and plaque from the teeth, leaving you with a clean mouth, and protecting your teeth from cavities and tartar.


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