Drinking Hot Water: 25 Benefits

The health benefits for drinking hot water.

1. Drinking hot water boosts the metabolism and helps the body to digest foods more efficiently.

2. The extra heat, causes body the body to control its temperature. This burns off calories in the process, therefore is great is for weight loss.

3. I recommend drinking hot water first thing in the morning, as we often dehydrate during our sleep. This will remove grogginess and make you more alert.

4. The heat will also cause your body to sweat, which helps to detoxify the body by clearing out dirt and toxins trapped in your pores.

5. If you have a cold and have mucus, hot water dissolves this build-up of phlegm, allowing you breathe more naturally, treating nasal and throat congestion.

6. The human body is made up of over 50 percent water, therefore it is designed to function at its best by drinking water.

7. Cold water and hot water both have benefits, however hot water is superior due to the energy added from the heat.

8. If you have stomach ache or cramps. Drinking hot water will help reduce pain and settle the stomach.

9. Muscle tension in the body can be caused by a build-up of lactic acid. Warm water will help to flush this out, making you feel more nimble and refreshed.

10. If it is a hot day, and you wish to cool down. Drinking hot water, instead of cold water causes a faster sweat production. Sweating is the bodies’ method of controlling your temperature, so this works well.

11. Hot water also helps to sooth period cramps, due to its natural anti-inflammatory properties.

12. Hiccups and diaphragm spasms may also be controlled by sipping a cup of very hot water, as quickly as possible.

13. Water flushes out toxins from all the systems of the body, therefore you should try to drink at least 1 litre per day, at a minimum

14. When exercising, it is important to keep hydrated, particularly in men because dehydration causes low testosterone.

15. Warm water helps you to feel fuller, and less likely to overeat during a diet.

16. Many people show signs of aging, such as wrinkles very early on in life. This is often due to a lack of fresh water consumption on a daily basis.

17. Drinking hot water keeps the skin looking vibrant, young and elastic.

18. Pimples and acne are often caused by a build-up of oils from the skin. Hot water cleanses the body and removes the cause of these problems.

19. Blood circulation is increased when you drink this daily, and this continues to detoxify the body from food additives. Also keeping your nervous system healthy.

20. Clarity of thought, and a focused mind can never be achieved when the brain is dehydrated. Keeping the body flushed with fresh water, keeps the brain functioning at its best.

21. You can also put hot water in a bottle, and wrap with a tea towel. This can be placed on the neck area to remove headaches from neck tension.

22. Water infections in the urinary tract can also be treated, by drinking a lot of hot water to flush the entire system.

23. If you don’t like the taste of hot water, you can add powerful herbs and plants which can enhance the flavour. We recommend a small wedge of lemon or lime.

24. Drinking this hot water at night time before bed, is better than drinking cold, because you will find that you don’t have to go to the toilet as often.

25. Guava leaves, mint leaves, soursop leaves and many more can be added to the water to create a powerful health tonic. Please see our other videos for more information on these herbs.


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