Aloe Vera: for Hair Growth

The benefits of using aloe vera the hair and scalp

1. If your hair is beginning to thin out, you can use aloe vera extract to help prevent further hair loss.

2. The proteolytic  enzymes within aloe vera, remove dead skin cells on the scalp which may be blocking proper hair follicle growth

3. The nutrients contained within this plant, help to rejuvenate damaged hair

4. By washing the hair with aloe vera extract, you can rid yourself of dandruff, and give your hair a more natural shine.

5. This also helps to control frizz, due to it having a pH level of 4.5.

6. You can make a simple hair conditioner by mixing 100ml of aloe vera extract (or gel) with 100ml of water.  Simply massage this into the scalp and roots of the hair follicles for the best effects, and let this sit on the scalp for 10 minutes before rinsing.

7. This solution is perfect for those with dry hair, as aloe brings back a natural hydration, and adds a layer of protection from the sun.

8. Dandruff and itchy scalp will be cured after a few washes with this solution.

9. For extremely dry hair, adding a small amount of coconut oil to the conditioner will work wonders.

10. You can buy aloe vera gel from health food stores, or extract the juice from your own plants. Make sure you have the vera variety, as there are other types of aloe.


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