14 Benefits & Uses for Papaya Leaves (Papita/Pawpaw)

  The Health Benefits and Uses of papaya leaves, also known as papita or pawpaw leaves.

1.       The leaves of the papaya are very large and can be harvested directly from the plant. These are used to treat many medical conditions such as dengue fever and vitamin deficiencies due to their ability to prevent blood clots and increase platelet counts.
2.       They are also used to aid the body’s digestion by breaking down wheat gluten. This gluten is particularly high in foods such as bread, cakes, biscuits and pastries.
3.       Papaya leaves also contain agents which have been proven to kill cancer cells.
4.       In order to consume papaya leaves, you’ll want to extract the juice that is contained within them. This is where all of the healthy benefits lie. I recommend slicing the leaves relatively small with a sharp knife, then muddle or pound them in a pestle and mortar, or blend. You can then simply push them through a strainer to squeeze out the juice.
5.       This juice can be drank any time, but is very bitter to drink. You can add honey to help with this, or combine with other healthy fruit juices and create unique health tonic blends.
6.       This papaya leaf juice can also help to treat indigestion and acid reflux, due to the high content of papain, amylase and protease enzymes.
7.       It is also anti-inflammatory and can be used to help treat minor prostate enlargement, and menstrual or period pain.
8.       Dried or fresh papaya leaves can be used to create a paste to treat acne, by applying directly to the problem area
9.       Many now use papaya leaf capsules and extracts to treat dengue fever.
10.   Intestinal worms, fungi, parasites and harmful bacteria are treatable by consuming this wonderful leaf juice. The tannins contained within, protect the intestinal wall from these unwanted visitors.
11.   Many use these particular leaves to help cleanse the skin, and can therefore be found in all kinds of cosmetic products, facemasks and rubs. Eczema is also treatable in this way.
12.   Much like Aloe Vera, the juice from the leaves can be used on open wounds and sores to prevent infection and promote faster healing.
13.   It can be used to create shampoos and conditioners to clean and refresh the hair, and reduce conditions such as an itchy scalp and dandruff.
14.   The leaves may also be smoked, to help those suffering with asthma and to lower cholesterol.


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