Onion in Ear

The health benefits of placing onion in the ear, and how you can do this yourself at home.

1. Onions are a well-known bulb used in cooking all over the world, but they can also be used as a natural medicine.

2. They can be used to cure ear infections by relieving inflammation. This also works to relieve pain in the ear.

3. You can do this by chopping an onion in half, and removing the heart. This is the most powerful part of the onion. Place this in the ear, and leave overnight.

4. It is best to use regular white onions, as these are the most powerful.

5. The smell can be very pungent but this is the price of success with this old remedy.

6. The onion heart will begin to work immediately in treating the infection.

7. This can also be used for removing ear wax build ups.

8. Some people prefer not to place foreign objects in the ear. This is fine, for there is an alternative way of using onion juice for the same effect.

9. Place a red or white onion in the oven, or microwave and cook until soft. Then allow the onion to cool and squeeze out the juice. Strain this juice using a cheesecloth or strainer and put a few drops in the ear before bed.

10. Many argue that this onion juice method works faster for pain relief.

11. Onions are very powerful in treating illness. I recommend eating 1 raw onion per day during a cold for faster healing.

12. Onion juice has been shown to destroy MRSA infections, working better than some of the strongest antibiotics.

13. Consuming these bulbs regularly will cause some wonderful health benefits to the human body such as a stronger immune system.

14. The chromium within onions also aids in regulating blood sugar, making them a great food for those suffering with diabetes

15. Quercetin is also found in onions, and this works to prevent cancer in the body, and help deal with allergies.

16. The onion juice described earlier, can also be placed on bee strings for instant relief.


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