Eggshell: for Teeth Cavities

The benefits of egg shells for your teeth and treating cavities.

1. Cavities in your teeth are caused by a lack of the right vitamins, minerals and nutrients in your diet.

2. Once you have cavity, it’s very likely that you will get more. To prevent this you can use crushed egg shells to brush your teeth.

3. Egg shells contain 28 minerals, including calcium. This is very similar to what our teeth are made up of, therefore they are perfect to re-mineralize the teeth. 

4. To make egg shell toothpaste, boil your egg shells in hot water for 10 minutes. This will make sure that they are clean and ready to use.Then, crush them using a coffee grinder, or a pestle and mortar. Try to make it into a very fine powder, the smaller the grains the better.

5. Mix this with your regular toothpaste and use 2-3 times per day. Alternatively you can make a natural toothpaste, by combining egg shell powder with coconut oil and baking soda.

6. Using this consistently, will prevent further damage to the teeth and will coat them in the minerals that they are made of. This will protect the enamel and dentin.

7. You can cause your existing cavities to heal themselves, by consuming regular amounts of vitamin K2 and C, the dentin will begin to heal within the teeth in layers. This is a slow process, growing at the rate similar to a toenail, so be patient, as the new tooth cells will be soft at first, and then it will harden in time.

8. Using these vitamins, and egg shell toothpaste, you will be well on your way to healing your cavities and keeping healthy teeth for life.


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