Foods That Reverse Aging (Anti-Aging Foods)

A list of foods that reverse aging.

Nowadays many people are looking to get healthy and have a youthful appearance.

The problem is that people are showing signs of aging much younger due to the amount of junk foods that we eat. 

Sugars and refined grains cause the body to age faster, so we must switch to healthy foods if we wish to reverse aging.

In today's video we will share with you a list of powerful anti-aging foods which you can eat on daily basis. 

1. Kale.
Kale is one of the most nutrient dense superfoods on the planet. The body needs lots of leafy green cruciferous vegetables to stay youthful and reverse aging. Bitter leaves like kale supply lots of minerals and antioxidants that can reverse free radical damage to the body.

2. Blueberries
Dark coloured berries are high in natural pigments called anthocyanins. These help to boost the production of collagen in the body rapidly. Collagen is important to keep the skill elastic and preventing wrinkles. It is also used to grow strong and healthy hair.

3. Cod Liver Oil
One of the most important nutrients for reversing signs of aging is Vitamin A. The active form is called retinol and is found in animal sources. Icelandic cod liver oil is one of the richest sources of this important nutrient.

4. Beef Liver
This is another one of the best sources of Vitamin A. This high concentration of this fat-soluble nutrient can tighten up wrinkles and build soft smooth skin cells. Vitamin A triggers the production of collagen at the genetic level, making the skin more moisturised and healthy.

5. Watercress
This wonderful superfood boosts circulation in the body, which helps to nourish the cells. This boosts oxygenation of the skin making you appear more youthful and vibrant. Its antioxidants help to prevent damage from free radicals in the body.

6. Red Palm Oil
The second most important nutrient for anti-aging is Vitamin E. This is found in many foods but is very high in red palm oil.  This is high in antioxidants too which can reduce inflammation and oxidative stress to the organs of the body.

7. Bone Broth
We highly recommend consuming bone broth on a daily basis. This is rich in gelatin which converts to collagen in the body. Remember that collagen is an important protein for building healthy new cells and reversing aging.

8. Sauerkraut
Fermented foods like Sauerkraut feed the friendly bacteria in the gut and help to regulate digestion. This allows for more nutrients to be absorbed which help the skin to look healthy.

9. Rooibos Tea
This is a red tea which is rich in polyphenols. These are phytonutrients that protect the skin from premature aging. This is a wonderful alternative to coffee which can dehydrate the skin.

10. Avocados
Avocados are one of the most powerful superfoods known to man. This is mostly due to their high potassium content. This helps to regulate sodium in the body and removes dark circles and puffiness from around the eyes. 

11. Nutritional Yeast
In order to reverse signs of aging, you must first relieve your stress levels. Stress is the number one trigger for greying of the hair, disease and physical weakness with age. Consuming nutritional yeast daily supplies B Vitamins which relax the nervous system. This helps you to feel calm, peaceful and positive.

12. Spinach
Another important leafy green which supplies phytoceramides. As we age, the skins outer layer becomes thinner and weaker. Spinach helps the body to produce ceramides which keep the skin firm, protecting the epidermis.

13. Egg Yolk
The outer layer of skin is made up of 25 percent cholesterol. Egg yolks are an excellent source of dietary cholesterol. This is used in the production of healthy, youthful skin. The yolks are also rich in Vitamin A which activates collagen production at the genetic level. 

14. Matcha Tea
This is a super concentrated form of green tea which is rich in antioxidants. It is particularly high in chlorophyll, a natural green pigment which detoxifies the body. By removing harmful toxins, the body is able to heal and cleanse itself naturally.

15. Apple Cider Vinegar
Taking 1-2 tablespoons of apple cider vinegar in a glass of water helps you to break down foods. This strengthens the stomach and allows you to absorb more nutrients from the foods that you eat. As we get older, the stomach becomes weaker so this is one of the best remedies for anti-aging. 

16. Sunflower Seeds
We recommend eating a mixture of healthy seeds and nuts each day to supply the body with important Vitamin E. This works internally to protect the skin from damage from oxidation, UV light and pollutants.

17. Cinnamon
Last but not least Ceylon cinnamon is an excellent spice for the overall health of the body. High insulin levels and blood sugars can cause faster aging. This spice helps to naturally lower these levels by improving insulin sensitivity. Best of all, it's delicious to add to hot drinks and curries.

As you can see there are many foods that you can eat to reverse aging.

These foods will not only reverse aging, but also help the body to build healthy new cells and tissues that can protect your health in the long run.

If you struggle to sleep at night, then we highly recommend you drink herbal teas to improve your sleep quality. 

Getting more sleep increases IGF-1 an important hormone known as the "anti-aging hormone"

Herbal teas also help to cleanse the liver which removes harmful toxins which may have led to diseases later in love.

We also recommend high intensity internal training, known as HIIT. This is a wonderful form of exercise that triggers the production of the important anti-aging hormone. 

Drinking a good quality mineral water each day from a volcanic source, will supply your body with trace minerals and energy to make you feel wonderful. 


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