Foods Rich in: Vitamin K2

A list of healthy foods rich in Vitamin K2 and its benefits.

Vitamin K2 is a fat-soluble nutrient that is needed regularly for a healthy body. 

It is very important as it takes calcium out of the soft tissues, and puts it into the bones where it should be.

This helps to remove plaque from arteries and blood vessels, which can protect you from strokes and heart attacks.

Many people are deficient in this nutrient as it is not easily recycled by the body, especially those who are menopausal, pregnant, take anti-acids or have used antibiotics recently. 

Vitamin K2 is also excellent for improving stamina and energy levels, as it helps the body to make more energy in the mitochondria, and at the cellular level.

In today's video we will share with you a list of the best 10 foods rich in Vitamin K2. 

1. Natto
Natto is a form of fermented soybean which is known as the richest source of Vitamin K2. This contains 939mcg of K2 per 100g.  The vitamin comes from bacteria sources, so naturally fermented foods are some of the best. 

2. Goose Liver
Also known as 'Foie Gras', goose liver is another excellent source of Vitamin K2. This is very popular in Europe and has an acquired taste. It contains 370mcg per 100g of Vitamin K2. 

3. Pork Chops
Pork chops contain around 75mcg of Vitamin K2 per 100g. These are a good source of protein and fat-soluble nutrients for the human body. Look for certified organic and hormone free meats. 

4. Egg Yolk
We recommend eating pasture raised eggs, as these contain 20% more Vitamin K2 than from batch hens which are fed grains.  The yolk in particular has 30 times more K2 than the white. These yolks contain 37mcg of Vitamin K per 100g.

5. Beef Liver
Beef liver not only supplies vitamin K2 but also Vitamin D. Vitamin D plays an important role and works with K2 to mobilise calcium into the bones, and away from the arteries where it can be dangerous. It contains 263mcg per 100g. 

6. Munster Cheese 
This is a strong smelling soft Cheese from France. It is an excellent source of fat soluble nutrients such as Vitamin K2, as well as retinol (vitamin A) and other nutrients. It contains 75mcg Vitamin K per 100g.

7. Chicken (Dark Meat)
Surprisingly the dark meat from chickens has a higher concentration of Vitamin K2. It has 6 times more than the breast, so be sure to eat more of this.  It contains 60mcg of Vitamin K per 100g.

8. Butter
Always look for butter from grass fed cows as this is rich in nutrients for the body. We recommend avoiding processed vegetable oils and margarine spreads as these trigger insulin resistance and cause damage to the cells. Butter contains 81mcg per 100g of Vitamin K.

9. Duck Fat
As you can see the best sources of vitamin K2 are animal products. Duck fat contains a decent amount of Vitamin K, supplying 117mcg per 100g. This is perfect to cook with, especially if you are following a low carb diet like keto.

10. Chicken Heart
Although not the most appetising food, chicken hearts come in high at 142mcg of Vitamin K per 100g. We recommend mincing this and cooking into meatballs.

As you can see there aren't a large amount of options when it comes to getting Vitamin K2 into the diet. 

For this reason most people have a deficiency. In order to boost your use of this, we recommend intermittent fasting.

Intermittent fasting is where you eat all of your meals in a shorter window during the day. This allows the body to recycle more nutrients, and clean out old dead cells. (autophagy)

You can also get small amounts of K2 for sauerkraut, lard, ghee, rainbow trout, Leicester cheese, beef kidney, and olive oil. Although these do not have much, they can be incorporated into the diet to help boost K2 levels

The chemical name of K2 is Menaquinone, and the chemical name for Vitamin K1 is Phylloquinone. K1 comes from leafy green vegetables and K2 comes from mostly animal sources.

If you suffer with arthritis, joint pain or bone issues then we highly recommend getting more K2 in the diet. It will help in lowering inflammation and strengthening these areas.

If you have digestive problems such as heartburn and bloating often, then consume 2 raw apple cider vinegar capsules with each meal. This will help your body to break down fat soluble vitamins and absorb them better.

If you wish to take a supplement of Vitamin K2, be sure to only use Vitamin K2 in the form of MK7. 

This is completely naturally unlike its synthetic counterparts. You should also consume this alongside Vitamin D3 as these work together in the body. 

To learn more about nutrition and healthy foods, please see our other videos. 


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