Banana Peels: Benefits and Uses

The health benefits and uses of banana peels.

1. Bananas are one of the most popular fruits in the world, but the peel also has many health benefits that you may not be aware of.  

2. In India and Southeast Asia the peels are often cooked and eaten. They contain healthy nutrients and complex carbohydrates.

3. The peels are also a rich source of potassium, which helps to prevent stroke, kidney disorders and anxiety. 

4. They can be used to reduce the blood pressure. Use black banana peels for the best effects.

5. If you have trouble sleeping, drinking boiled banana peel tea will help you sleep. To learn more about banana tea for sleep, please see our “boiling bananas” video.

6. To eat these peels you can simply boil them for 10 minutes in hot water until soft and enjoy. You can drink the water too after it has cooled.

7. Banana peel can also be rubbed against the skin to prevent itching from insect bites.

8. This method is also used to reduce wrinkles and get rid of acne. Also if you have dry skin, they are very moisturising.

9. You can blend the peel in a little water, and use this with a soft cloth to polish silver jewellery.

10. If you are roasting meat, adding a banana peel to the tray will help to cook the meat, and keep it moist.

11. The peel also contains manganese and magnesium, these help to whiten your teeth. Simply rub the inside of a banana peel against your teeth 2-3 times per week.

12. If you grow roses and other flowers in your garden, bury a banana peel in in the soil next to them. This works as a natural fertilizer.

13. Bananas overall are fantastic for balancing your serotonin levels. This helps treat depression, insomnia and anxiety.

14. The inside of the banana peel can be placed against bruises on the skin and taped into position. This will naturally bring out the bruise if done overnight. 

15. This also works as a natural shoe polish. Rub the inside peel against the shoes then buff out with a cloth.

16. Banana peels are also great to use to make compost. So hopefully you should never need to waste a banana peel again.


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