Dates: Health Benefits and Uses

Dates are a delicious fruit, with many health benefits. Now classed as a super food, let's take a look at some of the benefits and uses!

1. Classed a super food, pitted dates are one of the sweetest fruits, most commonly eaten fresh or dried.

2. They are often eaten as a digestive aid, as they help to clear constipation and diarrhea due to their high fiber content. This has also been linked to the prevention of abdominal cancer.

3. Dates contain many essential minerals which have been proven to boost the immune system. These include calcium, iron, phosphorus, sodium, potassium, magnesium and zinc.

4. The high presence of iron, makes dates an excellent natural supplement for people suffering with anemia.

5. Eating dates regularly lowers blood pressure due to the high presence of magnesium.

6. In a scientific study, pregnant women who regularly consumed dates had a more favorable labor period, with less need for medical intervention.

7. Organic sulfur found in dates, is uncommon in many fruits. This sulfur has been shown to reduce allergic reactions such as hay fever, hives and rhinitis.

8. Dates can be included in a healthy balanced diet, due to the presence of natural sugar, proteins and minerals.

9. Dates can be used as a natural energy booster due to the high content of natural sugars including glucose, fructose and sucrose. This may be an excellent alternative to energy bars before exercise.

10. The potassium content in dates promotes a healthy nervous system, heart and brain, reducing the risk of strokes and heart attacks.

11. Dates can be ground to a paste, and rubbed around the eyes and also eaten. This has been shown to reduce night blindness with increased optical efficiency.

12. Dates can be used to reduce the effects of hangovers and alcohol intoxication.

13. Tannins present within dates can help to fight infections in the body, reducing inflammation and preventing excessive bleeding.

14. Vitamins A and K in dates protects the eyes, skin and mucus membranes.

15. Date butter can be made by boiling fresh or dried dates with lemon juice, water, cinnamon and nutmeg, which provides a healthy alternative to traditional butter.

16. Dates can be used as a great substitute for fatty foods due to their low fat and cholesterol content.

17. The vitamins and nutrients present in dates have been linked with anti-ageing, and the reduction of wrinkles.

18. Oil extracted from dates has been used to treat many skin problems, and can be used in massage and aromatherapy.

Finally I would like thank you for reading, wishing you great health, wealth and happiness.

Pitted Dates are an excellent source of nutrition and have been classed as a super food. Due to their sweetness and abundance of natural vitamins and minerals, dates are very nutritious and can be included in a healthy balanced diet, whilst also being tasty and rewarding. Remember however, love is most important ingredient in life.

This information here has been provided for educational purposes only, and therefore is no substitute for informed medical advice or care. Please consult a doctor to seek treatment for any illnesses or medical concerns you may have.


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