Mint Leaves: Health Benefits and Uses

There are a large variety of benefits and uses for the common garden herb mint, also known as pudina or mentha. This easy to grow plant, is so versatile and easy to grow, you will be amazed at the things you can use it for.   

1.    Mint leaves are one of the highest herbal sources of anti-oxidants and carotenes, and are therefore used to create herbal teas.

2.    Drinking mint tea, aids the digestion process of the body and naturally stabilises both irritable bowel syndrome, and constipation. It has also been attributed to soothe diaphragm irritation, effectively treating hiccups.

3.    Drinking mint tea also has strong antimicrobial and antifungal properties, due to its high volume of natural nutrients, vitamins and minerals 

4.    All mint varieties are rich in carotenes containing approximately one thousand six hundred micrograms within a standard portion. When regularly consumed, mint aids with achieving optimal eye health, whilst reducing dry eyes and sensitivity.

5.    Mint leaves can be crushed and used in conjunction with regular toothpaste, to whiten teeth with stronger effect. The pleasant aroma and oxidisation process also reduces bad breath.

6.    Menthol is an essential oil which is contained within many varieties of mint. This essential oil is regularly extracted and used in a range of different health, food and cosmetic products.  

7.    Peppermint, one of the most common varieties is used in many medicines such as inhalers, in order to aid breathing, prevent coughing, hay-fever and reduce mucus during a cold or infection. 

8.    When mint aroma is inhaled, it also helps asthma. The respiratory passages, and airwaves are opened and calmed to allow for a more stable airflow.  This can be reproduced at home, by simply crushing peppermint leaves, and inhaling the aroma and menthol contained within them.

9.    Inhaling mint aroma also reduces nausea, and headaches. Peppermint tea works particularly well in this case. 

10.    Mint leaves can also be used in other aromatherapy products, such as candles, oils, soaps and balms. 

11.    Oils derived from mint, can be used in conjunction with other essential oils to provide a pleasing, and relaxing aroma in order to reduce insomnia.  

12.    Mint acts as an antipruritic therefore may also be used as a rub, to provide a cooling sensation to the skin. This effectively desensitises skin irritations from itching, burns, bites and stings. 

13.    Rosmarinic acid is a dominant anti-oxidant contained within mint and has high anti-inflammatory properties. Mint oil and menthol can be used whilst soaking in the bath to reduce aches, sprains and cramps. 

14.    The gentle aroma of mint leaves, used in aromatherapy acts as a relaxant, reducing anxiety and stress. 

15.    A variety of mint named Barbed Skullcap, kills cancer cells by destroying the blood vessels which supply the cancerous tumours. 

16.    Mint, used in conjunction with salt and water can be used to create a better tasting saline gargle, in order to clear up throat infections. 

17.    The pennyroyal variety of mint can be used as bug deterrent and is commonly used in spray form to repel ants and flies. 

18.    Mint leaves and stalks can be tucked inside a pillow, which your pet sleeps on or in their favourite resting place to act as a flea repellent.  

19.    Mint is a commonly used herb to cook with. It can add wonderful flavour to many dishes, whilst also adding healthy nutrition.

20.    When grown in larger quantities, mint acts as a mice and rats deterrent in your garden.

21.    There are over eighteen known varieties of mint, and many hybrids. Each has its own unique flavour. 

22.    The Mint herb / plant grows rapidly, and is usually perennial, returning each year with little maintenance. In order to harvest your own mint for use in cooking, and any of the techniques described above, I would recommend continually removing the leaves from the mint stalks throughout the growing season, as this promotes a bushier mint with more growth. Depending upon the variety, always keep the mint well-trimmed, to prevent it from flowering, which will yield more foliage. 

The mint flower itself can also be eaten, and can be a beautiful aromatic garnish as a final touch to any dish. 

23.    Mint is very refreshing when added to iced drinks. Place mint stalks into a bottle of water in the refrigerator and leave it for at least one hour. The water will then be infused with mint, and can be combined with fresh fruit and vegetables to create a very healthy, yet tasty beverage.

24.    Mint sauce can be made, and is a tasty compliment to any roast meal. Please see the link below the video for a short guide on how to make fresh mint sauce.


This information here has been provided for educational purposes only, and therefore is no substitute for informed medical advice or care. Please consult a doctor to seek treatment for any illnesses or medical concerns you may have. 

Mint is an excellent source of nutrition and in my opinion a super food. Regular consumption of this herb, in the presence of a healthy lifestyle, can bring fantastic joy. However, love is the most important ingredient in life. If you enjoyed this video, please check out my website, where I explore a multitude of life enhancing research projects and developments. 

Finally I would like to dedicate this article to my late grandmother, Bella who inspired my love of mint from a young age.   


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