6 Ayurvedic Medicines for Erectile Dysfunction, also known as impotence.
Erectile dysfunction is a common problem in men, where they find it difficult to gain an erection.
This can happen at any age but often gets worse as we get older. It is often very upsetting for couples.
There are many different causes for erectile dysfunction, such as high blood pressure, medication, diabetes and low testosterone.
The good news is that there are many natural medicines which can be used to treat impotence and erectile dysfunction.
Ayurveda is a system of ancient medicine which has been used for over 5000 years in India, to treat all kinds of problems using natural remedies.
In today's video we will share with you six Ayurvedic medicines to treat erectile dysfunction.
1. Shilajit
A tar which is formed in the rocks of the Himalayan mountains. This forms over centuries from decomposing herbal plants.
This is known for its regenerative effect on the entire body as it contains fulvic acid. It boosts testosterone levels naturally and helps men to get strong erections.
2 grams of this dark gooey substance three times per day will begin the restoration process.
2. Ashwaghanda
A natural tonic which can be purchased in powdered form. It increases the production of sex hormones and sperm, and reduces blood pressure to treat erectile dysfunction.
This herb is also useful to women as it can increase libido, sex drive and regulate the female cycle.
1500mg of ashwaghanda root should be taken per day to receive these benefits.
3. Safed Musalli
This rare Indian herb was originally found in Jungle but is now cultivated and harvested in order to cure erectile dysfunction.
This is often called "White Gold" and works as an aphrodisiac, to improve mood and trigger sexual behaviour.
2 grams should be taken per day in milk.
4. Yohimbe
This herb is extracted from the bark of a particular Evergreen tree. It naturally opens the blood vessels to allow blood flow to the penis.
It also arouses sexual excitement by triggering serotonin hormones in the brain.
This herb works best for those with depression or mental issues.
5-15mg per day is usually taken, but can have many side effects so it's important to speak to a doctor first before taking this herb.
5. Kapi Kachu
This herb is also known as Velvet Bean, and is one of the more powerful tonics to improve the male reproductive system.
It has the effect of lowering stress levels which may be blocking proper erections, and therefore increases libido.
A positive mood and mindset is often the key to beating erectile dysfunction.
This is also effective in regulating the monthly cycle for women.
5 grams should be taken twice a day in lukewarm water 1-2 hours after meals for the best effects.
6. Pippali
Also known as long pepper and mentioned in many ancient texts, pippali is a powerful rejuvenating remedy for the entire body.
This also increases circulation helping men to gain erections, as well as increasing sperm mobility and libido.
1/2 a teaspoon should be taken with honey for the best effects 3 times per day.
As you can see there are many ayurvedic remedies which can be used to treat erectile dysfunction and impotence.
If these do not work for you, there are many alternatives available. Please see our other videos to learn more.