Cucumber Everday Benefits

1. Cucumbers are bright green fruits which are often used as a vegetable. These are made of 95 percent water.

2. They contain some very healthy nutrients including Vitamin C, B, K, copper, potassium and manganese.

3. These are perfect to keep you hydrated in the summer months, as they replenish the body with fresh water.

4. They can also help in protecting the brain from Alzheimers disease and memory problems. This is due to the anti-inflammatory fisetin contained within.

5. When eaten on a daily basis the antioxidants within can lower the risk of heart disease and cancer. 

6. If you have trouble with bad breathe, you can place a cucumber slice in the roof of the mouth for 5-10 minutes to kill the bacteria. This has been used in ayurvedic medicine for many years.

7. The peel is also an excellent source of fiber and will help you to lose weight if eaten. I recommend blending this into a smoothie for weight loss.

8. Tannins and flavonoids in the fruit have also been shown to help relieve headaches and tension behind the eyes. 

9. Be sure to use organic cucumbers for the best effects, as some varieties have wax added to the skin for transport purposes. This can be eaten however it can contain pesticides which aren’t so healthy. 

10. You can use cucumbers around the eyes to soothe puffiness and dark circles. Simply chill a cucumber in the refrigerator, take two slices and place them over your eyes for 15 minutes.

11. Cucumber can be used with lemon to create a detox drink for weight loss. Please see our other video on this to learn more.

12. Anxiety and stress are also common problems in today’s culture. The B vitamins within cucumber helps to ease these problems.


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