Burning Bay Leaves

The benefits of burning bay leaves in your home.

1. Bay leaves have been used for thousands of years all around the world as an alternative medicine. 

2. These leaves come from the laurus nobilis, an evergreen tree most commonly called bay laurel.

3. These leaves contain pinene, and cineole. These are natural oils, which give off a wonderful aromatic smell.

4. You can burn these leaves to relieve stress and tension from the body.

5. The natural aroma, combined with its medicinal properties seem to calm people down after a busy day.

6. I would recommend burning 1- 3 leaves using a match. Be careful as these leaves can be very inflammable and burn very quickly. So after lighting them on fire, place them in a fireproof bowl.

7. They will release a powerful aroma, and a dark smoke. This will automatically begin to relax your body and mind. 

8. It is best to burn bay leaves that have been dried out for a few days after picking from the tree.

9. If you are tired, the aroma from these leaves can help to you drift off into a rejuvenating sleep. 

10. Do not inhale the smoke directly, as this may make you cough. Burn the leaves on the opposite side of the room.

11. Bay leaves are most commonly used as a spice but also have many other health benefits, be sure to check see our video “Bay Leaves: Benefits and Uses” to learn more.


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