10 Signs of Omega 3 Deficiency

10 Common Signs of an omega 3 deficiency.

Omega 3-s are essential fats that our body needs to make brain tissue, keep inflammation at bay and build healthy cells.

Unfortunately much of the world's population are deficient in omega-3s because we tend to consume too many foods like vegetable oil, margarine and easy spreads, soy and canola oil.

In today's video we will take a look at 10 common signs that you are deficient in omega 3 and some simple tips on how to fix this easily.

1. Memory Loss
Those who do not consume enough omega 3-s in their diet will often suffer with memory problems, and poor concentration. DHA, an essential type of omega 3 is used to build the brain structure and it's cells. So if you don't get enough omega 3-s, your brain may become inflamed.

2. Dry Skin
The most common sign of an omega 3 deficiency is dry, rough or scaly skin.  The body uses omega 3 to help moisturise the skin to prevent dermatitis and irritation. Getting more omega 3 and less vegetable oils in the diet can quickly solve this problem, including acne.

3. Dry Eyes
Omega 3 fats are needed to keep the eyes lubricated and moist. People who are deficient in omega 3 may suffer with dry eye syndrome, sore and red eyes, and a feeling of sand or grit under the eyelid. 

4. Depression
If you suffer with depression or other mood disorders then you may be deficient in omega 3. Eating shellfish, oily fish and salmon can help to supply the important omega 3-s needed to lift your mood and help treat these problems.

5. Stress
When we consume trans fats, sugar and junk foods our adrenal glands can become burnt out. This is called adrenal fatigue, a constant feeling of stress. Getting more omega 3-s in the diet helps to regulate stress hormones like cortisol, to fix this problem.

6. Heart Arrhythmia 
Another common sign of omega 3 fatty acid deficiency is an irregular heartbeat or heart arrhythmia. Omega 3 helps to lower inflammation in the arteries and the heart muscle to allow for normal blood flow and stay in a regular rhythm. A lack of omega 3 can also raise the risk of heart disease and angina (chest pain).

7. Joint Pain
Joint pain is a sign of inflammation, which may also indicate a deficiency in omega 3 fatty acids. If you have this, we recommend consuming a can of sardines each day to help reduce inflammation and boost your omega 3 intake.

8. Regular Sickness
If you catch colds and sickness bugs often, then you may benefit from getting omega 3 fatty acids in the diet. If you don't have enough, your body may be in a state of chronic inflammation, which lowers your immunity and makes you more vulnerable to infections.

Children and adults who suffer with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder have problems with concentration and learning. It is often found that these children are deficient in omega 3 fatty acids. Taking a daily fish oil supplement such as virgin cod liver oil, can rapidly improve this condition.

10. Dry Hair
If you have very dry hair then you may be deficient in omega 3 fatty acids. These healthy fats are needed to help make important oils used to nourish the scalp and prevent hair from drying out. 

Why Are We Deficient

Unfortunately most people consume too many omega 6 fatty acids in their diet and not enough omega 3-s.

These should be an equal 1:1 ratio from our diets.

Omega 6 fats are found in seeds, grains, nuts and most highly in seed oils like vegetable oil, margarine and easy spreads.

The average American is consuming 15 times more omega 6 than 3, which causes inflammation and damage to the body.

How To Balance Omega Fatty Acids

Remove vegetable oils from the diet entirely and switch to healthy alternatives such as extra virgin olive oil, raw coconut oil and cold pressed avocado oil.

Boost your intake of omega 3 fatty acids from wild caught salmon, sardines, pasture raised eggs, pasture raised beef and virgin cod liver oil.

If you wish you can take a daily supplement of Krill Oil, preferably from the Arctic, as this is a very high quality source of omega 3-s


If you are getting enough essential fatty acids but are still suffering with some of these symptoms, you may not be absorbing them.

You may have a sluggish gallbladder or liver. 

Taking a daily supplement of ox bile (purified bile salts) helps your body to break down fatty acids and absorb them better.

Plant Based Omega 3-s

There are some plant based omega 3-s called ALA, which is found in foods like flax seeds, hemp seeds, walnuts, brussels sprouts and chia seeds. 

ALA is very healthy, however it is nowhere near as powerful as the DHA and EPA found in fish oils and shellfish.

The body has to convert ALA to DHA and EPA, the active forms however this conversion is very limited.

If you are a vegan or vegetarian you may need to supplement with seaweed in high doses to get enough DHA and EPA. 

As you can see omega 3-s are absolutely essential for keeping inflammation at bay and strengthening the body. 


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