Foods for Hypothyroidism (Underactive Thyroid)

A list of healthy foods for hypothyroidism.

Hypothyroidism is a medical condition where you have a underactive thyroid gland.  

This condition means that the thyroid gland is not making enough hormones to meet the needs of the body.

The most common cause of hypothyroidism is having too much estrogen in the body, which causes the thyroid gland to slow down.

In today's video we share with you a list of healthy foods for hypothyroidism.

Eating these foods will strengthen the gland and help to reverse this condition.

1. Sea Kelp
Sea kelp is one of nature's best sources of iodine, the most important mineral used to make thyroid hormones. Many people are deficient in iodine due to over farming of the soils, so take sea kelp to boost this.

2. Brazil Nuts
An underactive thyroid needs more selenium in the diet. Brazil nuts are wonderful source of selenium which Is used when the thyroid converts the T4 hormone (thyroxine) into it's active form called T3 (triiodothyronine) 

3. Apple Cider Vinegar
Drink a tablespoon of apple cider vinegar in a glass of water with each meal. This can help to improve the health of the gallbladder, which works with the thyroid to convert hormones. This takes the strain off the thyroid, from having to do all the work.

4. Sauerkraut
This is a form of fermented cabbage which helps to colonise the gut with probiotics, also known as friendly bacteria. These help to regulate the immune system and stop it from attacking the thyroid. They also remove toxins from the liver which aids in hormone balance.

5. Kale
Many dieticians give the wrong advice and suggest that thyroid patients avoid leafy green, cruciferous vegetables. These are actually very important for restoring thyroid function and healing underlying problems. Kale is one of the richest sources of nutrients on the planet which we recommend eating lightly steamed.

6. Mushrooms
When the body has too much estrogen, the thyroid gland shuts down and becomes underactive. Eating shiitake, crimini, Portobello and baby button mushrooms can prevent high estrogen levels in the body. These help to balance hormones and restore thyroid function. 

7. DIM
You can purchase a supplement of DIM. This is a concentrated form of cruciferous vegetables which helps to boost thyroid and hormonal health. It is recommended to take these capsules alongside sea kelp for the fastest possible healing.

8. Salmon
Wild caught salmon is a nutrient dense food which is high in omega 3 fatty acids. These help to lower inflammation in the body and support the immune system. Salmon is also a great source of iodine and selenium for making thyroid hormones.

9. Nori
This is another delicious seafood which is rich in iodine to support the thyroid gland. It also contains a great range of trace minerals. We recommend eating sea vegetables no more than 3 times per week to boost iodine.

10. Chicken
Selenium is the second most important nutrient which is essential for thyroid metabolism. Eating meat such as chicken, turkey, or beef can boost selenium levels. Eat fattier cuts such as the dark meat, as this contains the fat-soluble nutrients the body needs.

11. Shrimp
These small shellfish are also known as prawns in Europe are wonderful for your thyroid. They are rich in selenium for making thyroid hormones. They are also high in omega 3 which lowers inflammation to improve the endocrine system.

12. Blueberries
Those who have thyroid problems usually have oxidative stress caused by free radicals in the body. Blueberries are a rich source of antioxidants which fights free radicals and can protect the gland against further damage.

13. Stinging Nettle Root
This is a calming herb which you can get fresh, dried or in capsules. This helps to calm the body and reduce the stress hormone cortisol. Long term stress can lead to thyroid problems, so take action now to calm your mind and body.

14. Coconut Oil
Deep fried foods cause a high amount of damage to the liver, which can also affect the thyroid. Switch from your usual cooking oils to extra virgin coconut oil. This contains MCT's which take the stress off the liver, allowing it to help the thyroid with hormone conversion.

15. Parsley
The body absorbs many dangerous toxins from the environment, like pesticides, heavy metals and pollutants. These are called endocrine disrupters which puts the hormones out of balance, and are very dangerous for your health. Parsley helps to detoxify these chemicals from your liver, therefore helping to balance your hormones.
16. Pumpkin Seeds
Those who have hypothyroidism often have a zinc deficiency, as thyroid hormones help the body to absorb this important mineral. Pumpkin seeds can help to put zinc back into the body whilst healing your thyroid with other foods. 

As you can see there are many foods that you can eat to heal hypothyroidism naturally.

Remember that the main cause of an underactive thyroid is having too much estrogen in the body, especially if you are a woman experiencing heavy periods, cramps, or breast tenderness. 

Stop eating pre-packaged foods, especially from diet companies. These are enriched with soy protein, a low-quality ingredient that a main cause of many thyroid problems.

Low calorie diets starves the metabolism which can slow the thyroid down even more. Instead eat whole foods regularly and get plenty of natural fats. Just cut out the sugary foods and you will soon begin to feel better.

Consume sea food and sea vegetables rich in iodine three times per week to boost your intake of this important mineral for thyroid health. These will also help to cleanse the liver and balance estrogen levels.


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