Garlic: for Erectile Dysfunction

The health benefits of garlic, for erectile dysfunction and more.

1. Garlic is a strong smelling bulb which has been used in cooking and herbal medicine for thousands of years.

This delicious vegetable has some wonderful health benefits for the human body.
2. Garlic has natural properties which allow it to treat erectile dysfunction in men, and improve the health of the reproductive system in women.

3. Erectile dysfunction is a common problem in men, which gets worse as we get older. 

It can be caused by many different issues, such as a side effect of surgery, high blood pressure or medication.
4. Each clove of garlic contains a unique compound called allicin. This is extremely healthy for humans as it causes the blood vessels to expand.
This lowers blood pressure, increases blood flow and allows men to get erections in a completely natural way.
It also works to treat all kinds of viral, bacterial and fungal infections which may also be making the problem worse.
Women will also experience benefits from consuming garlic as it increases blood flow to the female genitalia and improves mood, making intercourse feel better. 
5. Garlic was a popular natural medicine used by ancient cultures including the Babylonians, Greeks, Romans, Chinese and Egyptians. 

The allicin within works as a natural antibiotic without any harmful effects caused by modern medication.
6. The bulb also contains a healthy combination of Manganese, Vitamins B1 B6 and C, Selenium, Fibre, Calcium, Copper, Potassium, Phosphorus and Iron.

These micronutrients are important for the overall health of the body, including those needed for optimum sexual activity. 

Let's take a look at the recipe

You Will Need

2 Garlic Cloves

1 Tablespoon of Honey


Crush a head of garlic to release the cloves. Peel and slice thinly using a sharp knife. 

Add these to a jar with the honey and stir well. 

Eat this on a daily basis to naturally cure erectile dysfunction and boost the health of the body overall. This begins working within 1-2 weeks. 

If you prefer, you can add the garlic to delicious meals as a seasoning if you wish. The honey in the recipe is used to multiply the healing effects of the garlic. 

7. One problem with garlic is that eating large amounts causes a fowl scent on the breath, which may work against improving your sex life.
To combat this, you can purchase garlic capsules which contain odourless dried garlic.  These provide the same effects yet without the smell.
8. Garlic also works to lower bad cholesterol levels, which reduces the risk of heart disease and further increases blood flow to sexual areas.

9. Many people who use this remedy on a daily basis claim to have more focus, and a higher clarity of thought throughout the day.

10. You can multiply the ingredients to make a week's supply of this remedy, and store it in the refrigerator if you wish. 

11. To learn more about natural remedies for erectile dysfunction, please see our other videos on celery and watermelon. 


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