How to empty your bowels very quickly and improve digestive health.
1. Nowadays many people suffer with constipation and a build-up of waste in the colon. This can cause many health problems and obesity.
2. Carrying lots of waste causes toxins to leak into your body. This lowers the immune system and causes your body to become weaker and more prone to infections.
3. Fast foods and processed foods are not as nutritious as whole foods, yet we tend to eat a lot of them, causing even more of a build-up in the colon.
4. Cancer, diabetes, liver failure and heart problems are all caused by years of abuse to the digestive system.
5. By using todays remedy you can clear out your digestive system and bowels, in order to boost your bodies overall health.
To make this remedy you will need
150 grams fresh chopped plums
150 grams fresh pitted dates
1 litre spring water.
Bring the water to the boil in a pan and add the chopped plums and dates. Reduce the heat to a medium temperature and simmer the mixture for 15 minutes. Allow this to cool and store in a jar. Eat a tablespoon of this in the morning a few times a week. This powerful mixture will speed up digestion throughout the day and cause you to use the toilet more often and clean your bowels.
6. This mixture is also excellent to use when suffering with constipation and as part of a detox regimen.
7. To learn more about natural remedies and health boosting tonics please see our other videos.