Olive Oil: for Ear Infections (and Wax)

The benefits of using olive oil in the ear

1. Olive oil can be used to treat ear infections and remove wax build-ups from the ears

2. If you have an ear infection, your ear contains bacteria or fungal growth which blocks the Eustachian tubes.

3. This is caused by the wax catching and holding these harmful organisms.

4. To clear wax, or an ear infection simply heat a little olive oil on a tablespoon until it is warm but not hot. Test this with your finger first as you don’t want to burn your ear.

Use an eye dropper or cotton swab, and allow a few drops of warm olive oil to drip into the ear. You’ll want to tilt your head to the side first to allow the olive oil to go deep.

Wait for a minute or two to allow it to sink further into the ear canal.

Then place a cotton ball in your ear and allow the olive oil to work for around 20 minutes.

5. This will soften any wax in the ear, and the nutrients in the olive oil will begin to destroy harmful bacteria.

6. After the olive oil has done its job, clean out the ears with a little warm water and cotton swabs. Be very careful to not press too far into the ear with the swabs, as this will cause pain.

7. Do this 2 times per day, morning and night to relieve wax and ear infections.

8. It’s also noting that if you suffer with ear infections quite often, you may be drinking too much cow’s milk. Try switching to an alternative such as oat milk or almond milk and test for a few weeks.

9. Garlic and onion juice can also be used for similar effects in the ear. Please see our other videos to learn more.


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